Coup de torchon

No, Ma'am, that's not true.
WelI, I'm glad.
You'vegota bilIto pay
at the laundry.

For silk pyjamas.
I don't wear pyjamas,

HoIy Jesus!
What is it?
A ghost!
- Where?
- There.

It's Le Péron.
A ghosthas to bedead first.
I didn't think of that.
Warrant-officer George Le Péron.
It's war!
Then why wouldthey teIl me first?
It's not the war.
It's my brother.
- I seea likeness.
- HardIy.

And how is he?
and youknow who kiIled him.
Didn'tyour regiment squash
the peanut picker's revolt?

It sure took guts...
alIthose niggersarmed
with clubs...

and aIl you had was machineguns...
My brother said you werean ass.
But why try tocover up
for his murderer?

If l onIy knew who it was.
He's acop, that's why...
Your friend Chavasson.
He's notmy friend.
I even refused to puthim up
thenight of thecrime

which l regret,
sincehe went to the brotheI...

Funny, in trying todefend him,
you implicatehim even more.
Oh, that's the way I am.
I don't know why.

Féte-Nat! Bring thegIasses!
Don't turn around.
Hemight drophis tray.

You'renotafraid of ghosts,
are you?

My grandma saw some, Iong ago.
After the big war,
God wouIdn't let thedead comeout.
