No, no, no...
What time is it?
Six p.m.
We'reenteringthe virgin forest.
''Women nurse
these fierce invalids
returnedfromthe tropics.''
How was my mutton stew?
Even better
than theone Huguette made.
Youate twice!
I can never say no.
Why'd youmarry her?
I dunno. She asked me.
And Rose?
Same thing.
When MarcaiIlouwas shot,
were you there?
Let's see...
when MarcailIou was shot...
We'vegot somuch insideour heads,
but when we want to use it -
no way !
Why do you ask?
It wasgoodfor Rose.
It wasgoodfor MarcailIou !
He was a brute.
KilIing him did afavor.
It wasan act of charity.
Butnot everybody
can understand that.
I'm not everybody, Lucien.
No, don't.
But why?