I dreamtGodturned intoa nigger,
justas MarcailIou arrived,
so hedidn't even try
toget into Heaven.
Hesaid ''Whatbad luck.''
''l getkilIed, my wifegets Iaid,
and God'sa nigger!''
Youate toomuch mutton stew.
Fakir Birman's horoscope!
Look atPisces -that's my sign:
''You wiIl soon make a voyage
for romantic reasons.''
That's lastyear's paper!
The wordsarestilIthere.
Youthink we'lI have achance
in thenext worId?
We had such good intentions
and got so little.
My dream makes you say that?
Want tocome with me?
Toeat fish by the river.
Ithought we'd go farther.
Anyway, you'reeating athome.
In fact, you're Iate.
Sure you won't come?
I'm sure!
Too bad!