So you sIeep with thecreep -
it's toodisgusting!
And you and Nono?
I love Nono!
Don't change thesubject!
Where's my dough?
I don't know.
Where's my money?
Thatmoney's mine, nothis.
I saved itup toget the heIl out.
I deserve somegood times...
tosee the Riviera...
I didn't spend 15 years here
toget ripped off by acunt!
I never saw your money!
Youseen Nono's hands?
What's wrong with them?
Hecan be tough...
So where's my dough?
That's enough!
Shutyour fucking face.
And if youmove, I'Il clean
theshit outta your brain!
What'd she say?
Don'tIisten. Do it!
Do what?
Give her one!
That'Il make her taIk.
Don't touch me.
Letmego, youbastard!
My money!