Part of my job is enjoying
other foIks' misery.
You'vegonecompIeteIy crazy!
NormaIly I should crack down
on the rich and powerful,
but that's just
whatl'm notaIlowed todo.
SoI make up for itby coming
down twice as hard on the poor,
the wretched, theniggers
and girls like you,
who've put their brains
where they sit.
Does thatmake you cry?
Don't. It won'thelp you.
Y'know, I'vesobbed my heart out...
it didn't solve anything.
Youcan't get out of it soeasy.
Don'tIook atme like that!
I can't believe it.
Lucien, why did youdo it?
Youhave to heIp me.
I can't take it.
What can l do?
Howthe heIl do l know...
Any idiot can see they were
shot with yourgun.
But that's horribIe!
At first, itis horrible.
But then youstart to think...
about starving kids,
littlegirIs soId intoslavery,
women whosesex is sewn up...