Coup de torchon

God created murder out
of pure kindness.

Murder's nothing compared
to thosehorrors.

So, my little Rose,
theonly thing todo is scram.

But where to?
I'Il begIad to Iend youmoney
for the boat.

You'Il manage, I'm sureof that.
Youcould makea mintjust doing
whatyoulike best.

Which you do better
than any woman l know...

And being as we'lI probabIy never
seeeach other again...

I'Il begIad to bang you
one Iast time...

even though you're afugitive.
How am I goingtogetup
in time for mass?

If youso much as touch me...
Even if l go,
don't think you'Il get off...

Itmay take a Iifetime
butI'Il see youdead.

Thatmakes youlaugh.
It's those twodogsdown there.
Do you know why dogs sniff
each other's butts?

When dogs stilI ruIed the world,
they held aconvention
to votenew laws.

The head dog said:
''l suggest that,
due to poor hygienehere,

our asshoIes be leftat thedoor.''
Thedogs agreed and de-asshoIed.
Butjust then...
atornado bIew in...
and mixed aIlthe assholes up.
Not onedog recognized hisown.
Ever since, they smeIl each
other's asses...

and it'Il goon tilI
theend of time.

It's funny, no?
