Reinstate Anna Walentynowicz...
plus a pay raise with an
inflation allowance.
So then I told the guys...
we were going to Section K-3;
and they started off.
The truth is; nobody knew
what was going to happen.
But like I say; they started off.
20-30 of us went out;
1 70 stayed behind.
We headed for K-3.
I took our poster out
of the window.
Waiting for us there;
all prepared...
were these signs on sticks.
So I stuck the poster on the sign
and went to the directors' offices.
A crowd started to gather; people
on the ships were looking at us.
Other sections were looking too;
because K-3 had made a move.
Personnel people ran up to us
asking what was going on.
We told them we'd talk later.
At the directors' building; a small
crowd was waiting for Walesa.
We elected our strike committee.
That took till 10 or 1 1 a.m.
The group kept getting bigger and
then we marched to the shipyard.
There were lots of people
who joined us.
When we got back to the offices;
Walesa jumped over the fence.
He'd joined us; that meant
everything was all right.
Walesa came over; said a few words
because we aren't any good at that.
He said he'd been fired after
working there ten years.
"You all know me..." he said and
told people what it was all about.
That's the guy who started the
strike at the shipyard.