Czlowiek z zelaza

Goodnight sir.

Let us pray for our
country's leaders.

Let us pray that they show wisdom
in their talks with the strikers.

Let us pray...
that in resolving the problems they
consider what's best for Poland.

Hail Mary; full of grace;
the Lord is with thee...

What have trade unions given us?
Twelve years of work
without a vacation!

Workers don't deserve them!
Only those in the office!

A pair of children's tights
costs 80 to 90 zlotys.

How can we get by?
Rent-700; preschool-700...

How much do we earn?
I'm sure there are exceptions;
wealthy people.

I get 1000 per person for
clothing and food.

For that I can only buy
bread and margarine.

Those at the top and those at the
bottom both have to eat.

We're all the same.
They know that today workers aren't
ignoramuses from the 18th century.

People have gone to school; evening
classes; part-time...

and still they try to keep
them in the dark.

They could back the dumb ones;
not the well-informed...
