congratulating him.
Hang on...
I'll read it to you.
On the occasion of being named
First Secretary of the...
Party's Central Committee;
congratulations and...
best wishes for success in
your difficult work...
from a young engineer.
Good; yeah; it's good.
Wear it here.
- So he never graduated?
- No.
He worked in the shipyard; later on
he became a foreman.
- Then they threw him out.
- Because of his father?
I don't think so.
Different name; different shipyard.
He disappeared from sight.
Why are you so interested?
Shit; these are strong!
I don't know the guy; but I think
he's playing some sort of game.
I wrote about his father in 1970;
maybe I'll write about him now.
Yeah; I'll be right there.
- Excuse me...
- No; my fault...