Maciek said that...
they had come to power because
of people's misery...
and to hold on to it; they wanted
to sweep everything away...
without a trace.
And what about that Gierek?
I even trusted him.
Such a strapping man;
such a calm person.
People had hope; but it
turned out...
he wasn't fully informed.
What are you daydreaming about?
Get to work!
They'll return from the yard soon.
It's time we cooked supper;
it's getting dark!
My daughter...
and her friends said it made no
sense to go it alone...
that we had to act together.
That's when free trade unions
were formed at the shipyard.
My daughter joined the movement
with her heart and soul.
She tried to convince him;
but he wouldn't.
He felt bitter...
because when he had tried to
convince them in June...
they hadn't listened to him.
I told our guys to wait in the
changing room after work.
Have some of your men come too.
I'm not sure what we ought to do.
Petitions haven't done a thing.
Maybe a solidarity strike.
And hope the press
writes the truth.
How can we harm them?
Now they're beating them; then us!