Opinions about you
are divided.
How's that?
Many people don't want
to see you in here.
You represent an exceptionally
deceitful institution.
What do you think?
I think you ought to come in.
- They say I inspire trust.
- I not so sure of that.
I think you journalists
need to be helped.
If you spend time with us; maybe
you'll feel pangs of conscience.
After all; you're Poles and
this is now Poland.
- Lofty words.
- It's the truth.
His father came here prepared;
already formed...
but Maciek had to be forged.
- Shaped like a piece of metal.
- And you forged him?
He was forged by life in Poland;
as it used to be.
Which is hopefully
ending forever.
Because they'd reintroduced beating
during investigations...
he decided to protest on his own.