- What is it?
- We have visitors.
I know.
- I will see them.
- You will?
There's a great task
needing to be done.
I have been witness to something -
something of consequence to you.
- To me?
- Yes. My own death.
I knew it. Thieves.
Looks forbidding enough,
don't you think?
Oh, yes.
No. They'd think me infirm.
Balisarius wore this before he died.
You know, I actually
saw him change lead into gold.
I could never do that.
Mmm... Too bad.
You'd have stood
to inherit some real wealth.
Magister, please,
don't talk like that.
- You're not going to die.
- Oh, I look forward to it.
All this magic,
what has it accomplished?