not a local fellow, an import,
some 100 leagues from home -
an all-powerful necromancer.
Huh! That's some necromancer.
Hold your tongue, Griel. Eat.
I'll not eat. I'm not hungry.
He's right.
I brought us here for nothing.
What is it? Who's there?
Salvete, viatores!
Good morrow.
Good morrow. Peace be with you.
What do you want?
My lord Ulrich is no longer.
All that you asked of him,
you may now expect of me.
The dangers he would face,
I will now conquer.
The task he would undertake,
I will now fulfil.
I am Galen Bradwardyn, inheritor
of Ulrich's craft and knowledge...
and I am the sorcerer you seek.
Close enough. Bring her out.