Escape from New York

Where you going, buddy?
Bad neighbourhood, Snake,
you don't wanna be out at night.

I've been driving a cab for 30 years
and I'm telling you,

don't walk around here at night.
Yes, sir! They'll kill you
and strip you in ten seconds.

Usually, I'm not down here
but I wanted to catch that show.

This stuff is like gold around here,
you know.

When did you get in?
I didn't even know they caught you.

Snake Plissken in my cab.
Wait till I tell Eddie.

Hang on, Snake.
What were you doing back there?
Looking for somebody.
Why didn't you ask me?
I know everybody in this town.

Yes, sir, I've been driving this cab 30 years.
This very same cab!

I'm gonna ask you.
- Now, where's the president?
- The Duke got him.

Everybody knows that.
No need for guns. I'll tell you.

Who's the Duke?
The Duke of New York! A-number one.
The big man, that's who.

I want to meet this Duke.
You can't meet the Duke. Are you crazy?
Nobody meets the Duke.
You meet him once and then you're dead.
