You don't look any older
than you did last week.
My mate Harry's got some cream
that'll take the pimples off just like that.
There's no need to rush. There'll be
plenty of war left, I can promise you.
But I want to fight
Everyone's in uniform except me.
Unless they've got a special job like you.
- What about the navy, Billy?
- I've been thinking about the navy, but...
- Well, I can't swim a stroke.
- Then the air force is out.
- Why?
- Well, you haven't got wings, have you?
- Take these over, love.
- Thank you.
- All the best, love.
- Thank you.
- All the very best.
- Thank you. Thanks very much.
Mrs Rose?
David, darling.
I think I'd better go and get changed.
- Can I help?
- No, you can't.
Well, my boy,
when do you join your squadron?
Tomorrow, sir. A Spitfire.
I saw her yesterday. Lovely kite.
There we are.
Mama, I'm so happy.
Oh, darling.
- He is a lovely boy.
- Isn't he.
Off you go, Emma.
Both of you.
- Lucy...
- Yes?
Lucy, I...
I don't know what
you're expecting tonight, but I...
I... I think you should know that...
Mama, I do know.
Goodbye, Mother.
Goodbye, Daddy.