Eye of the Needle

What's this?
Storm Island.
Two miles from the rendezvous.

- The U-boat will pick me up when?
- When you signal it.

From six in the evening
until six in the morning.

Six in the evening till six in the morning.
Beginning when?

A week from today,
and for a week after that.

And you.
How will you get out of England?

I'm supposed
to get to Liverpool somehow.

If they capture you and torture you?
- I have a suicide pill.
- Would you use it?

Of course. If necessary.
Jo asked me to say good night
to Daddy for him.

He loves you very much.
I love him.
But, darling, you don't show it.
You never tell him.
You never hold him.
Don't be afraid now that he's growing up.
Afraid of what?
What the hell have I got to be afraid of?

I'm going to go for walks with him,
aren't I?

And swim with him
and play football with him.
