Eye of the Needle

The Red Army has scored
huge successes against the Germans,

striking back with tanks and troops
along the Eastern Front.

Hitler's armies have suffered
many humiliating defeats

and have fled, frozen and in disarray,
through the killing snows of Russia.

All this at the very moment Hitler
was saying that the word "surrender"

is not to be found
in the German vocabulary.

The US and British Forces have stepped
up their daylight bombing of Germany.

Mr Churchill and General Eisenhower
are in conference

and with the approach of summer,
an attack by the Allies on Europe

is, of course, only a matter of time.
The fatal question
for the Nazi command must be

where and when
will the invasion take place?

A U-boat will pick you up
off the coast of Scotland,

but only when you signal it. From six
in the evening until six in the morning.

Deliver the photographs
personally to the Führer.

He says he trusts you.
How very flattering.
