Eye of the Needle

Put your arm round me.
That's it.
We've had ten more sightings
of your man.

All checked?
We've interviewed eight.
We're on to the other two.

We've searched from
Cape Wrath to Carlisle.

He hasn't got a roof over his head.
You're on Storm Island.
- Storm Island?
- Now you know how it got its name.

You were swept into the bay.
Everything always is.

Please, don't get up.
- I've frightened your little girl.
- He's a boy.

- I'm sorry.
- No. I must cut his hair.

Was anyone else on board with you?
David, we really must
put the poor man to bed.

No, I was alone.
Didn't you bother
to get a weather report before you left?

- Did you notify the coastguard?
- David, what does it matter?

Because if he did, there may be men out
there risking their lives looking for him.

- And we can let them know that he's safe.
- No.

I... I... I did not
notify the coastguard.
I'll just turn the bed down.
