Eye of the Needle

- Would you like some more soup?
- No, thank you. It was delicious.

There's some brandy next door.
Would you like some?

Do sit down.
Where do you live, Mr Baker?
I used to live on that boat.
I suppose I am a damn fool.
I moved from London about a month ago.
- Really? I haven't been there for years.
- When were you last there?

Four years ago.
And that was to have a baby.

- You've been here four years?
- Yes.

My goodness.
I hope you have friends here.

Well, there's Tom
who takes care of the lighthouse

and the ferry comes
every other Monday with our supplies.

- That's all?
- Yes.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

What do you do if there's an emergency?
There's a radio transmitter
at Tom's cottage,

but that's really
more to do with the lighthouse.

It seems a terribly lonely place to live.
Well, you see, David and I had a motor
accident on the day we were married.

That's how he lost his legs.
He was training to be a fighter pilot.
And then after the accident he...
Well, we both wanted to run away,
so we came here.
It seemed like a good idea.
It might have been a mistake.

You can't blame him
for wanting to run away.

No, I don't.
It's terribly sad.
No, it was our fault completely.
We'd had a bit to drink
and we were driving much too fast...
