First Monday in October

if we don't try to stop the avalanche
of prurient slop...

- Madame, if you'll...
- I'm not finished!

Which is about to bury us.
Are we doing our job
if we permit anything?

What are we permitting?
Violence in the streets,
kids on drugs, filth, pornography...

Who slaps the labels on? You? Me?
- Somebody better.
- No, thank you.

I think it's unconstitutional
to set myself up as a censor.

Refusing to look at something
is censorship.

I don't look at television.
That doesn't make it illegal.

That's not the point.
Seeing that film is material
to making a judgment.

If you'd spent ten minutes
in that screening room, five minutes,

you would see how obscene,
how outrageous...

Censorship is an outrage!
What about a training film
for terrorists?

A free lecture, How to Make
a Nuclear Bomb in Your Basement.

Do you condone inciting
to violence?

- No, ma'am.
- What about inciting to decadence?

- Define "decay".
- That's what we're here for.

- Not me.
- We'd better try.

The people of this country have only
one absolute protection against chaos:

The law.
You and I were appointed
to this court for only one reason:

To uphold and sustain that law.
Watch out, you can't turn the law
into a straitjacket.

The law's gotta be a suit of clothes
a man can wear.

It's gotta fit easy.
Be comfortable.

Law shouldn't strap a man in
at the throat or the brain or the crotch.

That's vivid.
You're making Maloney
more important than the law.

- He is more important.
- This court doesn't try men.

We put their trials on trial.
That's it. We're constantly examining
the witness who isn't there.

All we ever get to see are lawyers,
cold records, cold briefs.

Where's the human being? Where's
the pain? We've gotta touch flesh.

I'll tell you where the pain is.
It's in the people who get hurt.

The innocent kid
who sits in a dark theater

while Maloney's filth pours over him.
That's where the pain is.

You're on the right track.
You're beginning to look at people.
