The leading skiers are at the firing range.
There is WolfGhul from Austria,
Kerel Behrta from Switzerland,
Wolfgang Blatt from Holland...
And now Eric Kriegler,
last year's East European champion.
He's coming up fast on
the West German champion, Hans Wolf.
- There's Eric Kriegler.
- The East German champion?
- Isn't he beautiful?
- Bibi, you're fickle.
Come on! Let's go watch him shoot.
Eric, we'll have a drink at the finish!
- Well, Bibi, I have to Ieave you.
- No, James, stay with me!
I have an appointment.
Will you come and say goodbye
at the practice rink later?
We're going back to Greece soon.
All right, but if I can't make it,
don't grow up any more.
- Huh?
- The opposite sex would never survive it.