and I either have to move,
or scream my head off or something.
Something's in my blood, sir...
and I don't know what it is.
But I do know if I can't dance, I'd die.
Maybe you should see a doctor.
A doctor! These middle-class minds...
they don't know what passion is...
what ecstasy is,
what it's like to be possessed.
I'm gonna be a famous dancer.
I am, I just know it.
- She's gonna be a dancer.
- Listen to my heart.
It doesn't just beat, David. It keeps a beat.
Here, go ahead and listen. Come on.
Do you hear it?
Listen. Go ahead. Do you believe me?
I'm going home. I'll see you around.
I was born on the very day
and the very hour...
that Isadora Duncan died.
Her soul is inside of me.
If you don't believe me,
I never want to see you again...
any of you again. Never.
- But she died in 1927.
- So what?
It took her soul 15 years
to find somebody like me.
It's so beautiful!
It's standing and it seems to move.
- I told you I'd see you around.
- Style, that's what it is.
Without style you're dead ducks, kiddos.
Allow me to introduce myself:
Dead Duck Levine.
- I got to get glasses on Monday.
- So what?
- My dad wears glasses.
- So what?
I'm getting to be more and more like him.
And my hair is getting thinner...
my ass is getting fatter.
It's like the Invasion of the Body Snatchers.