- Pretty soon, I'll be just like him.
- Not if you don't want to.
I don't want to. You think I want to? I don't!
- Ever hear of genes and chromosomes?
- They don't matter.
Jewish chromosomes matter.
He wants me to take over his business
when I get out of school.
- David, you don't wanna be a mortician.
- No, I don't wanna be a mortician.
You think I wanna be a mortician? I don't.
- Between chromosomes and traditions...
- You know what? We have to think, David.
- Please.
- Hypnosis.
Please. Short of conversion, I'll do anything.
- Let's give him a word.
- No, two words.
And whenever you feel
the evil influence of the middle class...
muddling your soul, just say these
two words and you'll be a free spirit again:
Isadora Duncan.
- Who's Isadora Duncan?
- "Who's Isadora Duncan?"
She was the greatest dancer who ever lived.
- And she was killed in just such a car.
- Actually, it was a Bugatti.
You and your facts.
I can't understand how you can write poems
to me and still cling to facts.
Recite it for them, Danilo.
Come on, Danny.
"I love you
like the Pilgrim loves the Holy Land
"Like the wayfarer loves his wayward ways
"Like the immigrant that I am loves America
"And the blind man
the memory of his sighted days"
Our Danilo will maybe
be a famous poet someday.
And I will definitely be a famous dancer.
And we're all gonna do wonderful things.
And if anyone disagrees, they can leave.