A moon like this is... beautiful.
"And I, like the tide, am moved by the moon
"moaning with desire"
I wrote that.
That's real nice. Beautiful.
I feel inspired.
I can't finish my poem
till I know what love is...
and I came here to find out.
Help me in.
No, we can't. My father's room
is right next to mine and he's asleep.
Let him sleep. We'll do it quietly.
It's a big step.
I love big steps, love them.
That word "love" keeps coming up.
No, Georgia. We can't do this.
We can't. Not now, not like this.
We're not even...
Not with you.
I felt like Christmas all the way here.
I was bringing you a gift
and you don't want it.
- Well, I...
- You'll be sorry, Danilo.
The moment's gone.
- No.
- Lower your shade more.
Since we are justifiably proud to be called
the Steel Capital of the Nation...
it gives me great pride to present
Mr. Jack Bellknap...
representing the steel companies
of America.