Enough? It's too much.
I used to like that song
till I heard it played every day for two years.
Here it is.
The moon, my friend, can save the Earth.
Wars will stop...
hostilities and suspicions cease
when we realize...
from out there, that the Earth
is nothing more than a dot...
a comma in the great poem of the universe.
And you accuse me
of being a sentimental cornball?
I'm a scientific cornball.
Come on, get over here.
Take a peek at the future.
It's beautiful, the future.
- Come on! Take a peek.
- All right, Louie. I'll take a look.
It better be good.
I can actually see the whole universe:
the galaxies...
and the stars, the planets.
And, yes, when stars collide,
it's out of loneliness.
They're out there orbiting in the void...
and they collide, as if to embrace.
God, I hope I'm alive
when we land on the moon.
Of course you'll be alive. Horny, but alive.
- In case I'm not...
- I don't want to listen to that stuff.
...let's make a promise to each other.