Quiz Bowl kid comes to kiss the bride?
- What happened?
- I got married.
No, the...
I scratched it. Very stylish, don't you think?
The minister couldn't take his eyes off it.
So did you come to kiss or sulk?
Louie. I'd like you to meet my good buddy,
Louie Carnahan.
Georgia, Tom.
- Hello, David.
- Hello, Louie. Thanks for coming.
Yes, I've heard about all of you.
- I hope that you and Tom will be very happy.
- I hope so, too.
- What about David and me?
- Yes, of course, it's just that...
the custom calls for the bride and groom...
I think I better shut up.
- She asked me and...
- I'm gonna have a baby.
- Congratulations.
- It's Tom's baby.
I better shut up again.
What the hell's going on?
- I didn't want to get married.
- I did. I love ceremonies.
I can't wait to have my baby.
Isadora Duncan had babies,
and it made her dance that much better.
- It did. It made her fly.
- What about me?
- That's what I'm gonna do, I'll fly.
- Why didn't you tell me?
- You had your chance.
- Well, so did you.
You had your chance, too.
You're gonna dance, huh?
You're not gonna dance!
You're not gonna do anything!
You'll spend the rest of your life
here in East Chicago, Isadora Duncan.
I wouldn't bet on it, kiddo!
You're developing a hateful streak,
Danilo Prozor.
It's not very stylish of you.
It's rather common. Vulgar, actually!