Come on! Leave me alone, will ya?
Hey, Archy, him wash.
Prefer the company of blacks,
hey, Archy?
- Zac's my mate.
- We run together.
You fancy yourself as a runner, eh?
He's more than a runner.
He's top bloody athlete.
Girls run.
Men box.
Lay off him, Les.
He can run faster than you can ride!
(Laughs incredulously)
Jeez! Is that a fact?
I'll beat you to the home gate.
Me on horseback, you on foot?!
I'll go cross-country,
you take the track.
That's a fair bet.
That track's five miles further.
Yeah, have a go, Les.
Ha! Ha, OK! You're on!
You're on.
Ha, ha, ha!
Make your bets, boys. Whoo!
Steady. Whoo-hoo!
Bareback. Barefoot-bareback!
Les is gonna ride bareback.
That's a joke.
- You wanna lay money?
- Five bob on Les.
- You cover that, Archy?
- He just said he'd cover it.
- Two to one, right?
- I'm in for five bob.
(Zac whispers) Don't go on the rocks.
Don't go to the rocks,
go to the mountain.
My money's on Les.
- There's my dough.
- Got a good bet there.
Let's go, boys. You right, Archy?
Line 'em up.
Don't go on the rocks.
On your marks... get set.
(Shouting and whistling)