(Man)... very exciting one-mile race.
- What about the handicap?
- I can't talk about that now.
- This where you enter for the Gift?
- Entries closed a week ago.
I've been outback.
- What's your name?
- Dunne.
- You registered?
- In Perth.
- When did you run your last race?
- Fremantle, about... six months ago.
I know you, the stand-up start.
- We got a scratch sheet?
- Give him a go.
- What's the prize money?
- Ten guineas... and the medal.
- Anyone take bets?
- No, it's against the law.
- How much was you wanting to lay?
- Twenty quid.
You're pretty confident.
Where's your twenty?
- Archy Hamilton's running.
- Who's he?
Fastest kid in West Australia,
if not the country.
- What's he run?
- Under ten.
Wouldn't want to take your money
without fair warning.
What's my mark?
Same as the local kid.
All right. You're on.
You can still pull out, lad.
Lasalles pulled out of the Barlow Cup
and nobody thought the worse of him.
Come on.
(Jack) Push!
Now the big event, the one you've all
been waiting for! The Kimberley Gift!
There you go, boss.
Announcing a late entry.
F.C. Dunne of Perth,
starting off three yards,
the same mark as our own champion,
Archy Hamilton.