Er... No, mate, not quite.
We seem to have... lost our train.
- Two weeks.
- Two weeks! Bugger it!
Unless you're game enough
to cross the lake.
Hey, Arch, two weeks,
that's not too long...
- Hey, Arch, hang on!
- Better take this.
Hey, Archy, will ya... Arch!
Archy, we'll fry like eggs out there.
Let's give this a little thought, eh?
You'll never make it!
- Archy, wait!
- There's fifty mile o' that!
If the snakes don't get you,
the black fellas will!
You're mad. We should have waited.
It's quicker this way.
That's what Burke and Wills thought!
How do you know
we're not going in circles?
The sun.
- What if we run out of water?
- We find it.
- How do you find it?
- Cockatoos.
Sunset, they lead you straight to it.
Oh, that's lovely! We put our lives
in the hands of a mob of parrots.