In of aftermath of the killings the streets between
Chestnut and tenth third jamed with people and ... cars.
Repeating ...
that a ... These streets a Chestnut and tenth
there are just jamed with both people ...
Well, I sure could go for a pizza now.
Nice be with sausage, onions, peppers ...
But no mushrooms. I hate mushrooms.
The names of young victims are not yet released,
but people would probably recognized,
that is neighbourhood teenagers.
Looks like a goddamn homecoming.
Now ...
back ...
to Dementia ...
Thanks, Mr. Garret.
Julie saw him you know.
Michael Myers.
Come on.
I swear. Yesterday, when she was coming to work.
Where did she see him?
Near the shop and bag out by the mall.
Well, she stopped at the light ...
and saw him walk in that field
behind the Lost River Dive in.
Julie said he was so creepy.
- Julie's full of shit.
He didn't escape until last night.
Well you don't have to swear, Budd.
She's a goddamn moron anyway.