Well, old Denrée, we're in France...bottoms up!...hop!
Come on!
You don't like wine?...Your loss!
Now excuse me, pal... if it's only when we burp or fart...
that you understand us, we won't be chatting much!
First of all, Le Bombé and I only fart outside...
...we have manners...
We've been to restaurants!
But wait a minute!...you're not thirsty...
You're dying of hunger and you're ashamed to ask! Let's go!
Look! This is cabbage soup!
The real thing!
Made with my own cabbage...
...a spring variety: the "hasty bacalan"!
My lad, let's dig in!
Now we wait a little, till it soaks up the broth...
Never a dull moment with you, La Denrée!
When I fart, you land on us from God knows where...
and when I smoke, you crash on the floor!
Come on!