La Soupe aux choux

You could answer when I call...
It's to make you worry...
you thought I was black as a lump of coal, hanging from a rope...
You ought to be slapped, you phony...
You'd hit me, wouldn't you...?!
Don't you worry...
You would beat me up, like the gendarmes did...
They beat you up, the gendarmes?
Like a punching-ball...
You know they beat up everybody, the gendarmes...
I...I didn't know...
Oh yes...they get bonuses for that.
Yes, my Glaude, they didn't hesitate to hit a handicapped man...
I'm going to tell the Mayor...
Don't do that!
I forgive them...
they know not what they do.
You! You're making a fool of me!
Well, I'm going to prepare... your little bowtie!
Go ahead, hang yourself, it's ready...
You can swing all you want, deadmeat, it's strong!
You go hang yourself!
I don't march to anybody's whistle...
I'll hang myself whenever I please!
