because, in that case, Chérasse called your too!
You called me... more clearly than him!
Nom di Diou, let's guzzle a "canon"!
But... how did you learn our language?
By listening to your people...
every day, every hour, every minute...
I come from planet Oxo...
A wee little planet, not even mentioned on your maps...
If you knew how happy I am to see you again, my little fellow...!
Me too, Mr. Ratinier!
Listen, it's not because I could be your grandfather that you have to call me Mister...
It's over, calling me Mister...
I'm your age, Mr. Ratinier...
Are you making fun of me, buddy?
Geez, no... I'm 70, like you...
But on Oxo, there's almost no change in us from beginning to end...
It serves no purpose to change your appearance...
Of course, it's useless...
But down here, nobody asks us, we have to go through it...
Take a look at me!
There are others... look!
A little "canon"!
A "canon" is a wee drop of red wine!
I understood that... it's a word that's often used in your language
No thank you, I won't drink a " canon"...
Well, maybe you people don't age much, but you don't have much fun either!
We don't have any fun, as you say...
Not one bit... never!
This is much better than getting your ass kicked!
My soup, please...I'm in a hurry!