I'm on a mission.
Let's go!
Smell that... doesn't it smell great?!
It smells of gardens, it smells of stables...
it smells of the four seasons, it smells of the earth...
the earrrrrrth, the EARRRRTH, "La Denrrrrée"...
It smells of the earth after the raining...
Over here, you don't say "the rain", you say "the raining",
because it's even wetter!
The earth... after "the raining"!
That's it... spoken like a true "houmme" (man)!
I speak like a true "houmme"?
Come on, taste this...
It's getting better and better, Le Glaude!
Oh, you called me Le Glaude... that gives me pleasure!
That proves that you're warm all over!
Yes, Le Glaude...
Oh, by the way, how did they find my soup up there?
It has been found... dangerous!
Dangerous?! Nobody has ever died from my soup!
It's the first time I've ever heard anybody say that!
That my soup is potentially lethal!
Don't shout, Le Glaude! It's precisely because it's good that it's dangerous!
I don't get it!
I don't get it at all!
I'm going to explain, Le Glaude...
On Oxo...
we number 10,000 total, not one more, not one less!
and we all live till age 200...
We don't die in the way you understand...
but it would take too long to explain.
Apart from us, on Oxo, there is no animal life.
There is no vegetal life, either.