All those tassels...
And they're transparent too!
- Very well, Genuflessa!
- Very well, Genuflessa.
and so you put on shameful panties
to show your own calves?
Go to your room.
What a dirty girl!
Who could ever say it...
No one would say it,
but I think that she's full of stuff!
Mr. Marquis,
a French officer has arrived.
- He says he's Captain...
- He's Captain Blanchard.
- Let him wait.
- A French officer in our house?
Mother, be good.
He's a good boy.
He would like to assist
to a ceremony with the Holy Father.
You must be crazy.
You go with the French now?
They are God's enemies!
They had their own King beheaded!
Twenty years ago! And maybe
the Pope can convert him.
I have to go get ready, mother.
I'm late.
If I am late, the Pope will have to walk.
See you, mother.
> Mr. Marquis, lean out!
Not again!
what do they want?
They are the ones you hit in the head.
Some of them got hurt, and
now they want to be refunded.
They don't deserve anything. I've always
given them money and good stuff before!
I was just joking,
I'd never done it before!
But if they want money, they'll
have it! Go get some "paoli".
Quick, I'm late!
- Go light the fire.
- In this season?
- Don't ask. Just light it.
- Alright.