- But if I say bad things about you
and Napoleon, you'll get mad. - Me?
You and all the French!
- Do you know Napoleon well?
- Yes. He never looks others in the eye.
- Is it true that he's a shorty?
- Don't joke!
Napoleon can scare you with a look.
If he says a word, he'll set you on fire,
- and you'll face the battle as if going
to make love! - Love? You could get killed!
- Have you been in many battles?
- More than 20. - Good!
The trumpets playing the position,
the sabres shining in the sun,
the gallopping horses!
Give me that whip!
Give it to me!
With such an anthem
one is always ready to die.
With our anthem, instead:
# We want God, the Virgin Mary...#
we can only go to the "Madonna
of the Divine Love"!
To be worthy of an anthem like ours,
one has to behead
a few Marquises Del Grillo like you.
- Then I'll keep my anthem!
What are you doing? Are you crazy?
- Don't worry. Come with me.
- Get down! Purses out!
Get down.
- Go inside!
- The church? - Yes.
- Walk.
- Alright.
Blanchard, don't say anything.
Keep silent.
> Mr. Marquis, is that you?
- Don Bastiano?
Yes, Mr. Marquis, that's me!
Come here!
You got scared, didn't you?