and his cousin
had his same blood!
I did it with good intentions.
Hey! Cross yourselves!
Blanchard, make the sign of the cross!
- Tell the Pope that he has to absolve me!
- You know he can't.
- Why? - He said that a priest
shouldn't kill, but forgive.
A priest should forgive
and the Pope shouldn't?
Then I'll forgive myself.
I'm absolving myself.
Is it clear?
I will always be a priest!
I say Mass, communicate, baptize,
consecrate, confess and marry people!
- Do you want to get married Marquis?
- Not now, Bastiano.
But if I decide to, I'll let you know.
We have to go now.
Go, but be careful. There are
dangerous gangs around here.
But don't worry, I'll protect you.
- May we go, then?
- Go, you have my blessing.
- "Franzose", take your money back.
- You can keep it.
You don't want it?
Of course he does!
Take the purse, idiot.
- He wants it.
- Good, "Franzose".
- Mr. Marquis, how about a snack?
- No, thanks, we're going home.
Don't worry. Give him
some pecorino cheese and a bottle of wine.
- I use it during the Mass.
- Don't bother. - I insist!
Thanks for your hospitality.
You have been kind, good-bye.
Good-bye, Mr. Marquis.
- Good-bye, Bastiano.
- Good-bye, Mr. Marquis.
Mr. Marquis, if you see the Pope
tell him that one day I'll make
a Bishop of myself! Is it clear?
Yes. I'll tell him,
don't worry.