- I won't interfere!
- Here nobody sees anything.
- I see it, instead.
- Who are you?
Your eyes
see invisible things!
- Show me your courage.
- Here it is.
You come with me!
Stay here.
- Here they are! - The police!
- What happened? What are you doing?
- Let go of my foot!
- Good, Gaetano!
Alcohol over closing time,
gambling and brawl.
You've asked for it!
To prison.
- But I'm the one who called you!
- Shut up, I came here on my own.
- What are you doing there? - He was defending himself.
- Why are you holding that foot?
Whose foot is it? - Can't you see?
It's the body of evidence. This
robber was cheating with his foot.
- He was handing cards. - Good!
You'll go with the others.
No, wait!
I can be arrested only
if Cardinal Vicar orders it.
I am Marquis Onofrio Del Grillo,
duke of Bracciano, a noble officer
and a secret waiter of his
Holiness Pious Vll. - Wow!
I am a General Commander in Rome,
a close friend of Napoleon's
and I'll put you in jail for resistance
to an officer of the Pope.
false generalities, unauthorized nobility.
You've asked for it! To prison.
- What are you doing?
- We're innocent!
- I was just watching!
- Silence!
- What's happening here?
- Everything is alright, Mr. Commissioner.
Luckily I have arrived in time.
brawl and false generalities.
- Here they are!
- Very well!
Mr. Marquis, what are you doing
among these scoundrels?
What am I doing?
You've asked for it!