My Bloody Valentine

T.J., please stop it.
I just don't care anymore.
Just leave me alone.
Come on.
Okay, listen. I showed you how to
do it with the right nostril, right?

You take the straw, you put it
up the neck-- the left nostril...

and you snort it.
Oh! Come on!
Loosen it up!

Let's have fun. We're at
a Valentine's party, for God's sake!

I'm getting
a little punchy myself.

How do you
get those down?

- Pull the rope.
-Just pull it?

Yeah, yeah.
Release the hook and let it go.

Mm. You know what we need?
Yeah, I got one right here.
No, I meant
a couple of beers.

- I'll go get 'em.
- I'll go with you.

No, you stay here,
and I'll be back in a flash.

- Okay, but don't take too long.
- Back in a minute.
