- Howard, come along and behave.
- Yeah, let's go.
- My blanket!
- Come on.
You'd forget your head
if it wasn't tied on with rope.
- It's freezing down here.
- Who's leading this tour?
I feel so good.
So do I.
Where are we going now?
This leads to the main shaft.
We're going up.
How come the walls are
so white around here, Hollis?
I told you, it's lime powder. They
put it here to contain explosions...
and they put it on the wood
so it doesn't get dry and crack.
Hey, you guys, how come Mike
and Harriet haven't come back yet?
What's that?
I thought I heard something.
It's probably only rats.
That ain't no rat.
Come on. Let's go find Mike
and Harriet and get out of here.
Come on.
Tommy Whitcomb, what's the matter
with you? Where's your brains?
- How many times have I told you--
- Chief, listen to me!
You have to go to the mine.
We were having a party, and Harry
Warden started killing everybody!
Harry Warden is at the mine. There's
a bunch of kids trapped below.