Next to the Singer Sewing Centre.
That's where you got it?
That's right.
Well, to begin with,
Valley Field Mall is closed.
When it was open, it was
on Route 15, not Route 3.
And there can't be
a small spaghetti dealership...
...next to the Singer Centre
across from the cineplex...
...because there is no cineplex
and there is no Singer Sewing Centre.
All right, I can deceive you no longer.
Yes, yes, yes, I admit it.
It was me who prepared this meal...
...to share on our
first night together as neighbours.
This was my crime. Mixing up
a special batch of my Aunt Minota's...
...secret, sacred spaghetti sauce.
Sorry I messed up your evening. Right?
In light of Earl's feelings,
I think it would be best if we left.
Oh, no, no. Sit down, sit down.
Let's finish this magnificent meal.
Don't worry about Earl.
He'll get over his feelings.
- He spurned my sauce.
- No, he loves your sauce.
He's just jealous, he can't cook.
Earl, isn't it your turn
to do a little confessing?
- What?
- Vic's been man enough to admit...
...he was the one who cooked supper.
You've got nothing to say?
I don't think that'll be necessary.
We do have an agreement, don't we?
I'm talking about what you did outside.
Yes, Ramona. I know and I accept
the figures you mentioned.
"Figures," Earl? What "figures"?
Just a little arrangement
I have with Ramona.
What sort of arrangement?
Oh, boy.
We're waiting.
Or do I have to pound it out of you?
Don't speak to me like that
in my own house.
- Why would I?
- You just did.
- It's just a something a guy says.
- I never say it.
- I don't blame you.
- Ramona...
...why don't you be man enough
to tell us since Earl isn't.
He tried to pork me.