
We used to put
20 of them in there.

Activate the speed rollers, turn on
the hose circuits and that's it.

Vic Zeck's liquid lunch!
Good night, everybody.
I'm going to bed.
I bet you never seen
a pair of these before.

Take a sniff.
- It smells like a peach.
- What are those?

They're my panties. They're edible.
Edible. Hey, wow. The wonders of
modern petro technology.

- Where'd you get them?
- At school. All the kids have them.

- They're tasty.
- They come in four flavours.

- What a great idea.
- Yeah. Four flavours.

Earl, want some of your daughter's
panties? They come in four flavours.

Banana, peach, mint,
and, of course, cherry.

Good night, ladies.
You should have gone
up to bed like I said.

Nice meeting you.
Good night, Enid.

- Nice, Earl. Good move.
- Guys, it's 2 in the morning.

Come on, you need some sleep.
Turn off the lights, Earl.
Two? 2:00?
Is that right? Can that be right?
