
- Hey, that ain't my problem, pal.
- It ain't your problem?!

What the fuck do you want here?
- Who do you think you're talkin' to?
- I'm talkin' to you!

Don't ever come around on
our detail again, understand?

- Don't go shittin' me.
- You wanna say somethin' to me?

You do that again,
I'll break your fuckin' face!

Fuckin' glory boys.
Nobody likes your crap.

None of ya. Neither one of ya.
They make anybody a sergeant now.
Kiss my ass, Fox!

I'm gonna kick your ass!
What you got?
You know we can't come back
here again, you know that?

- Bitch.
- All the time...

What is this?
Let's get back to headquarters.

Don't litter.
- You littered.
- So arrest me!

Our mutual contacts insisted
that I see you today.

Normally I do not operate on Sunday.
You must be quite important to them.
Make yourself comfortable, I will show you
photos which will help you choose.

Please have a seat.
This one would be perfect for your face.
Notice the contours,
strong and well-defined.

Not for me.
With the nostril more open then.
Not for me.
What do you want?
A smaller nose
and do something with his jaw line.

Yes, of course.
And the eyes can be made blue
with lenses?
