
That's FBI stuff.
What do they want with us?

Your military records had
something to do with it.

How many times you been
hospitalized this year? Five?

Consider this squad a vacation from decoy.
- I don't need a vacation from decoy.
- Oh, yes, you do.

They need someone
who knows the local rat holes.

- Anything goes down, you're the man.
- Where did this come from?

The commissioner. He got it from
Washington. Specialists from Europe...

...Interpol, will help organize it
in conjunction with Federal funding.

And this department will extend
every courtesy, understand?

- No, I don't...
- Get your hands off me!

Understand this, sucker! You're a cop
and you'll go where you're assigned!

Now you and Tonto be here tomorrow
at eight o'clock sharp! End of story!

High-gain antennae,
four mobile units, two on wheels...

:26:01 one helicopter and
another moored at the battery.

Direct telex... to Interpol Paris
and all of Western Europe.

Computer banks which
give total information.

Retrieval on every known
terrorist in the world.

Some of you may wonder
why you have been selected.

Simply because of your unique qualities,
field record, courage, etc, etc.

You are to be indoctrinated
in counterterrorist techniques...

...which will enable you to meet your
terrorist adversary on equal terms.

Air France passenger
Andrew Dunham...

...please pick up a white courtesy phone...
Is this trip business or pleasure?
Pleasure, I hope.
Welcome to the United States.
The ATAC squad - that's the
Antiterrorist Action Command -

...has been formed due to a serious
lack of ruthlessness by the police.
