
Let's not be strangers. I'm Eric.
The real name is Heymar Reinhardt.
Born Frankfurt, Germany, 1946...
...educated Paris and
Patrice Lumumba University, Moscow.

Currently financed by... no one.
Since the London incidents...

...he has become persona non grata
with revolutionary communities.

What makes him dangerous
is that he wants to prove himself...

:32:05 invincible as he ever was.
Well, not to us, of course, but
to international terrorist networks.

So he may strike anywhere,
without warning.

What he wants most is press coverage.
The media is their voice.

ABC... Television, right?
Right. And CBS is down there.
Radio City is way on down there.
- The news is here.
- Mm-hm.

You know...
I never asked you what you do.

Well, besides dance a lot,
I fly for National.

"I'm Pam. Fly me."
That's an airline joke, sort of.
Don't get me wrong. I don't actually
fly the plane. I'm just a stewardess.

A flying waitress, some people call us,
but I'd rather dance than do any of that.

- How about you?
- Me?

I'm an international terrorist,
wanted by half the countries in Europe.
