when one is 13
and not in school?
We cruise chicks.
- Hmm?
- Cruise chicks.
You know, meet 'em.
Try to pick 'em up.
What do you do with 'em
when you have 'em?
Suck face.
I beg your pardon.
You know, kiss.
Suck face. You kiss.
Ever read this book
Treasure Island?
- Go read it.
- Now?
Go on. Take it upstairs. Read the first chapter.
Give me a report in the morning.
I thought you said we were
gonna have a party here though.
I'll call you when the party's
underway, if it ever is. Go on.
Oh. I'm sorry.
That's all right.
Chelsea's still in the water.
You should go on down.
- No one should skinny-dip alone.
- Right.
- Oh...
- Yes?
What is that over there?
That's a lawn chair.
- Go on. Right down the path.
- Right.
See ya later.
I thought you'd be nude.
Nope. Sorry.
I didn't want to overwhelm
our guest on his first night.
- He's nice, isn't he?
- Yeah.
- Forty dollars a filling.
- Forty dollars?