and I don't even see him,
I'm still answering to him.
Norman is
a goddamn poop.
Oh, for the Lord's sake,
here we go again.
You had a miserable
Your father was overbearing,
your mother ignored you.
What else is new?
you have a great big chip
on your shoulder...
which is very unattractive.
It is. It is.
You stay away for years at a time.
You never come home
unless I beg you to...
and then when you do, all you can do
is be disagreeable about the past.
What's the point?
Don't you think that everyone
looks back on their childhood...
with a certain amount of bitterness
and regret about something?
It doesn't have to
ruin your life, darling.
You're a big girl now.
Aren't you tired of it all?
Bore, bore.
Life marches by, Chels.
I suggest
you get on with it.
Have a wonderful trip,
And don't worry.
Billy will take good care of us.
- Okay.
- Don't go getting involved with any foreigners.
Let me have
your bag, Chels.
Good-bye, kid.
- You're gonna be okay now?
- Oh, sure.
- You behave yourself.
- Yeah. You guys behave yourself too.