'Cause he's fat
and lazy and ugly!
Okay, throw her out.
Let her out.
Plenty of line.
How's your line?
On the bottom?
If your line's floating,
it's on the bottom!
That isn't doing you any good. Bring it up!
Bring it up, for Christ's sake!
All right.
Hey, man, you don't have to yell at me.
Who do you think you are,
anyway, Long John Silver?
I'm sorry.
That's okay.
Havin' fun?
- Yeah.
- That's good.
Better than cruising chicks,
isn't it?
- No.
- I suppose not.
For God's sake!
What the hell are you doin' here?
Brought your lunch.
How the hell
did you find us?
Shh! You'll scare
the fish.
Ethel, this is supposed
to be a secret fishing place.
Lucky guess.
We don't need any lunch.
We got more important things going on.
Don't be such an old poop.
Billy might get hungry.