
Pretend it's not buttermilk.
Pretend I ate them.
Marshal, it's Lowell.
The night watch went okay.

Nothing much.
Just a couple of drunks.

We'll watch it tonight.
That's it.
I'll be in your office at 18:00.

Marshal, it's Montone.
Nothing more on that incident...

...in the mine yesterday.
Some guy went whacko.

The Company's shipping the body back,
or what's left, on today's shuttle.

It's impossible to do an autopsy.
You should have seen that mess!

Anyway, definitely no homicide.
There were two witnesses
when it happened.

It happens every once
in a while up here.

Some people let this place get to them.
So, that's about it.
Tell your wife that Transportation
got the tickets for her.

I'll see you
when you get to the office.

And don 't worry,
you'll get used to it.

What tickets?
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds,
the nice couple from the bakery.

They wanted tickets
for the weekly shuttle for a friend.

So I said I'd see what I could do.
Well, I'd better go.
See you for dinner, sport.

-And remember, 7 pages of math.
-I promise.

-You be good today.
-I will.

Look, I know this is a lousy assignment.
And I know what it is for you.
How difficult.

Just give it a chance.
It won't be so bad.

I know.
I love you.
