Do you know what time it is?
You'd better be dying.
-Is this going to take long?
-You're kidding me.
That doesn't mean much.
Blood type, cholesterol count.
This blood is from a dead person.
Very good.
No alcohol.
He ate dinner.
Protein, carbohydrates. . .
. . .more carbohydrates.
He didn't eat his vegetables.
No nicotine.
Some tranquilizers.
Yeah, they're Company tranquilizers.
Standard issue.
Blood sugar and hemoglobin are normal.
I don't know.
Such a smart piece of equipment,
and a wreck like me trying to run it.
You know, you haven't
your medical all-star here.
Company doctors are like ships' doctors.
Most are one shuttle flight ahead
of a malpractice suit.
Something's there, isn't it?